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Our Trust of Schools

Results and Ofsted

St Luke’s Ofsted 

We are absolutely delighted to share our latest Ofsted outcome has been given a 'Good' rating by Ofsted after their visit last month.(May 2024)

They praised our curriculum, our anti-bullying work and our GCSE outcomes, including for students with special educational needs. 

Following on from being named in the top 5 schools in Devon for GCSE progress this year, we are incredibly proud of this recognition after so much hard work from students and staff. 

St Luke’s SIAMS 

It is with great pride that we celebrate with you our most recent Church School Inspection. These inspections play a significant part in Church schools and are used to consider how well a school uses its Christian distinctiveness to ensure all students and staff flourish. We are delighted to have been judged as being a good Church school, with the Inspector commenting on how our vision of Life to the full motivates and energises all students and how our associated values enable our community to live well together. The Inspector went on to say how our students demonstrated hope and aspiration for both themselves and for their community, with this being evident through their learning as well as through the impact of their courageous advocacy and charitable contributions. 

As a school, we have worked tirelessly to ensure we have the highest expectations of our students and set a positive balance of being both academically rigorous and nurturing and caring. The report highlights how our vision and values are lived out daily through our positive interactions and comments on how staff exercise a sensitive and aspirational combination of care and rigour. Our approach to learning is described as being ambitious, carefully planned and structured, thus enabling all students to show and grow their understanding. Our extensive pastoral programme, enrichment and student leadership were also acknowledged as being a strength of the school. 

We are so proud to be a Church School and to have our work recognised in such a positive way is a true testament to the way in which we have worked together as a community of students, parents, staff and Governors. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you, our parents, for your unrelenting support and to congratulate our students who are our very best ambassadors. We hope you enjoy reading our full report. 

Parent View 

In addition to running regular parent voice surveys ourselves, parents are also welcome to answer some similar questions on Ofsted’s Parent View website. 

Ofsted Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think of your child’s school, including: 

  • How happy your child is at school 

  • How school manages bullying or challenging behaviour 

If your child has special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), we will ask how well the school supports them. 

The questionnaire can be completed at any time – you don’t have to wait until the school is being inspected. 

Click here to visit the parent view site​

View our SIAMS Report 2023