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Our Trust of Schools

Concerns and Complaints

 It is in everyone’s interest that concerns, and complaints are resolved at the earliest possible stage. Many issues can be resolved informally, without the need to use the formal stages of the complaints procedure.

The Trust values its relationship with parents, carers, and our local community. We are happy to receive suggestions and comments outside of this policy, as this can help us to identify areas of success and where we can make improvements. 

 The difference between a concern and a complaint

An expression of worry or doubt over an issue considered to be important for which reassurances are sought and a resolution is found at school level

An expression of serious dissatisfaction of previous concerns not resolved at school level and initially raised with the head teacher

It is in everyone’s interest that concerns and complaints are resolved at the earliest possible stage. Many issues can be resolved informally, without the need to use the formal stages of the complaints procedure.

Our Communication Commitment 

We are committed to ensuring that when you contact the school you get a timely response from the right person to help you. Here is how we can do that together.

If you have a safeguarding concern

Please contact the schools safeguarding lead via this email [email protected]  

If you are Whistle blowing - you have a concern you would like to report

Please contact the Trust on our Whistle blowing email [email protected] to report a concern. 

Head of Year

Y7 – Mrs Oonagh Tooze

Y8 - Mr Adam Hill /Mr Ash Hollis

Y9 - Miss Vickie Sincock

Y10 -Miss Emma Bartlett

Y11 - Mr Mat Kelly


Head of Department

English - Mrs Ellie Cox-Davies

Maths - Mr Coren

Science - Mr Lundie

Art and Design - Mr Keith Horwood

ICT - Mr Marc Jaremi

Drama - Mr Keith Horwood

Languages - Dr Lucie Emmett

PE, Health and Nutrition - Mr Marcus Pritchard

Geography - Mr Joe Greenhalgh

History - Mr Joe Greenhalgh 

Music - Mr Keith Horwood 

Life to the Full - Mr Joe Greenhalgh



Submit a Complaint 

If you have completed the initial stages and still wish to submit a formal complaint, please refer to the information below about the process. Use this link to submit your complaint.

Complaints policy can be viewed here > Complaints Policy 

Please see the below extracts from the policy with relation to timelines

Complaint Process Timeline

There is an expectation that complaints would be resolved at school level and that mediation would take place to build trust in any breakdown in relationships between the complainant and the school. If the complaint escalates through the formal complaint stages set out in the Complaints Policy, the time span would range between 10 school days through to 80 school days.