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Our Trust of Schools

Classroom Expectations


Every teacher in every classroom will consistently follow our LEARN expectations to provide the very best learning experience for every student at St Luke’s Church of England School.

Students are given merits for showing excellent LEARN behaviours both within lessons and around the school.

Failure to meet the LEARN expectations will result in reminders being given. If a student receives a second reminder during a lesson they will be sent to the Behaviour Support Room where they will complete a full learning cycle (5 lessons and a 15 minute after school catch up).


Students will arrive at morning tutorial and all lessons no later than 4 minutes after the bell.


Students will be fully engaged with their lessons. They will listen carefully to their teacher and others and fully participate.


Students will demonstrate a positive attitude towards their lessons, showing pride in their learning and working to the best of their ability.


Students will respect themselves, their teachers and their classmates by showing pride in their behaviour, language and effort in every lesson and by following instructions. 

No calling out

Students will respect the teacher’s instructions, respect others’ right to speak and speak only at appropriate times in the lesson as instructed by the teacher. Students will not disrupt learning.