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Our Trust of Schools

Pupil Premium

Introduced in 2011, the Pupil Premium is a sum of money given to schools each year to improve the academic performance of children from low-income families. The funding is intended to directly benefit the children who are eligible and ensure they flourish at school. Each school can choose how they spend the Pupil Premium grant but they must be confident that it is making a difference to those children. Details of how St Luke’s utilise the funding is available below.

St Luke’s Church of England School is committed to ensuring that every one of our students can live life to the full. We commit to using our Pupil Premium funding to remove any barriers that a child eligible for the Pupil Premium funding may have and to ensure they have the very best educational experience that allows them to flourish, secure an aspirational next step and have the confidence to take that step.

You can find out more about the Government rationale behind the funding by visiting:



The Pupil Premium provides funding for students:

  • Who have been in receipt of FSM (Free School Meals) at any point in the last 6 years.
  • Who have been continuously looked after for at least the last 6 months
  • Who are from families where one or more parents are currently in the British armed forces of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Pupil Premium Strategy & Review


All schools are held accountable for what they spend the Pupil Premium money on. Performance tables will capture the achievement of disadvantaged students covered by the Pupil Premium funding. You can obtain further information on this by visiting:

How to claim your child’s pupil premium

Children qualify for free school meals – and accordingly the Pupil Premium – if you receive any of the following benefits:

  • Universal credit
  • Income support
  • Income-based jobseekers’ allowance
  • Income-related employment and support allowance
  • The guaranteed element of state pension credit
  • Child tax credit, provided that you are not also entitled to working tax credit and have an annual gross income of £16,190 or less
  • Children who are or who have been in care
  • Children who have a parent who is or was in the armed forces

If you think you are eligible for any of the above please do let us know via [email protected] so we can ensure that your child is receiving all of the funding they are entitled to.

What do we use our pupil premium funding for?

  • Targeted Interventions
  • Breakfast club running every day
    • Students are welcomed into school for a healthy breakfast, somewhere to finish off homework and have a positive start to their school day.
  • Tutor time reading
      • Every tutor group has a tutor reading book, allowing students to experience that feeling of getting lost in a good book read by a trusted adult on a daily basis.
      • The whole year group are reading the same book at the same time, allowing for a greater sense of ownership across a year group.
  • Every member of teaching staff has 1 to 1 weekly coaching to help them get even better
    • Several of our teaching team have been trained as precision coaches, giving them the tools to support other teachers to identify a small action step each week that will make a big impact on their teaching.
    • As a result of our implementation of coaching, we have been recognised as a national coaching hub and have the highest coaching completion nationally
  • Subsidised uniform and emergency transport
    • We have provided uniform and taxi transport for students, allowing them to attend after school events and to arrive at school fully equipped
  • DofE and Ten Tors
    • By subsidising the cost of both of these activities, we have ensured that students in receipt of pupil premium are able to take part.
  • School production
    • Over 50% of lead roles are filled by students eligible for the pupil premium
  • Representing the school
    • All sports fixtures have had teams that are at least 32% PP.