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Our Trust of Schools


St Luke’s Examinations

Each year we publish an exams guide for candidates and parents. This contains helpful guidance on rules, procedures, how to help your child, what to do in the event of problems or illness, and is an essential document for all candidates and their parents/carers.

Please find the following documents from the Joint Council for Qualifications, summarising the rules for examinations and for coursework and controlled assessments at the bottom of this page. These are vital for all candidates and are displayed in exam rooms. All candidates must be aware of the information in these.

Your child’s teachers will also be giving him/her more detailed class and personalised guidance about each subject. Please do not hesitate to contact teachers using the student contact, or contact your child’s form teacher. The Exams Officer can be contacted via email ([email protected]) or by telephone on 01392 204600.



Access Arrangements

Access arrangements are agreed and processed at the start of the course. Access arrangements put in place must reflect the support given to a candidate in School and has to be their ‘normal way of working’. A history of support and provision has to be evidenced by the School.

The arrangement is not able to be granted to the candidate at the time of their examinations. A doctor’s note produced at the time of the examinations, for whatever reason, IS NOT sufficient evidence to warrant the implementation of an access arrangement.

Access arrangements have to be applied and processed on-line and approved, and the evidence of need must be made available for inspection by the JCQ Centre Inspection Service who conduct unannounced inspections of centres. Inspectors will expect to see appropriate documentation to substantiate the use of an access arrangement and will take decisive action if the inspection reveals lack of sufficient evidence.
